Apr 3Liked by Jonathan Courtney

The idea to finish everything in just one sitting is a great idea. My problem is then when something is done this fast I feel like it could not be great. My brain says when you are doing a project you need to give it time. Start, come back to it and again and again. I love this idea you are talking about and it is like parkison law but on steroids :D

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Apr 5Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Great hack Jonathan! Your episode made me realize that the moments I got things done quickly in the past were when I gave myself a very short deadline (I have to get this done before 2 pm today). Challenge is to turn this into a habit and get this way of working in my system.

I like your workshop idea for helping individual consultants. Looking forward to hear more!

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Apr 4Liked by Jonathan Courtney

I'd be interested to participate in workshop you mentioned

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Apr 11Liked by Jonathan Courtney

TBH that was the only way I did my lead magnet and the whole funnel. It was not a one sitting one sitting but a couple of days one sitting but the point is there. The idea for the workshop is great, go ahead!

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Apr 5Liked by Jonathan Courtney

In the episode you talk about “just sitting down and getting stuff done”, and I feel that you’re referencing the very concept behind Design Sprints, which, in a way, made AJ&Smart: You sit down on a problem with a time boxed 5 days and commit to a prototype test at the end of the week. This works because unlike usual brainstorming, product discovery, scrum sprints, etc. are continuous efforts that remind you to do small pieces continuously (because big ones are expensive and risky) but the product is then “never done”.

The “just do it” approach works for anything in life really: todos, career building or personal/family stuff - life always gets in the way, and if you don’t have clear goals, you will drift with the flow outside your control.

Just wanted to share the observation, thanks for another “thinking piece”.


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Apr 4Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Two things:

1. My business partner and I are the target for your doing it now workshop event. Would be interested.

2. The idea that 'Okay' is good enough - especially in the beginning - is something I need to remind myself way more often.

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Apr 4Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Love it!

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Hi Jonathan. Excellent episode! I've blocked off next week as a "focus week" in my calendar to push ahead with building my business. Inspired by your podcast, I will now be completing at least one "1-sitting activity" every day of that week. Fingers crossed.

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Jonathan, you just inspired me to publish updates to my LI profile I worked on today. I set aside today to tighten my LI, but as always, I ended up with a long list of things that needed to be completed before I could actually publish anything: webpages created, testimonials collected, and God-knows-what-else. And I was listening to your podcast as I was wrapping things up for tonight and I just thought - seriously, a whole day for just edits to the profile! I can add those things later but I can publish what I have now. And that's what I did (new tagline and About section). And yes, some accountability - shit will always be happening and there is more that can be done. But if I don't do this fast I will have to take another unfulfilling job...

I like your idea of an in-person multi-day marketing clinic where you actually create your first funnel and all assets needed for it. Maybe you can throw in some in-person facilitation practice rounds and a professional photographer to take those action shots of you actually facilitating something IRL. What blocks me / slows me the most are assets, case studies and other credibility stuff: client names, testimonials.

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"In one sitting" is how I became a great customer to my osteopath 😂

Toilet restrictions aside though, I like this idea.

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We need to schedule a bunch of small events for a new community. I thought the right way was to do it "organically", but just before listening, I decided I was just going be a weirdo and message everyone I knew this afternoon and see if I can just book a ton at once. After hearing about the ticket strategy, I feel like less of a weirdo.

Also, I just ran a Resolution Refresh a la Monica Krol's LDJ adaptation (Inner Circle post), and now I'm planning to add further instruction, "choose something you can set up in one sitting," to the last Create Experiments exercise.

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So - I find this to be SUPER true. I can't always get stuff done in a day, but I DO get stuff done and it takes far less time than it pretends to take in our head. I also will make public announcements with dates included -- you have until that date or you will have egg on your face. AND I HATE TO LOSE.

Thanks for the tip -- From now on, I will also keep thinking about it.

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