Amen to that Jonathan. Intuition is expensive to ignore. What messes with my head is the religious adherence we have to test and learn in the design and marketing space. We routinely make the mistake of applying that to every bloody decision... Gut feeling, taste, and taking proactive action matters!

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Yes to everything you just said!

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Totally read this as "The Stupid Hat....." didn't disappoint though.

Looking forward to that funnel session

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Listened to this one in the car! I took action when I left my corporate job and started My company after being your customer. Best decision I ever made was work for myself.

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Really enjoyed this Jonathan. It's easy to get stuck in that being cautious and frugal loop. You feel like you can only invest or jump when everything is prepared and ready but then never act. On the other hand jumping before knowing even if will land is so scary! But then hopefully something will work out, even if it’s not what was expected.

This also reminds me when I thought I didn’t want to buy yet another course but I signed up for ECS in Berlin anyway 🙈 but the in person event accelerated what I would’ve spent months doing sitting online alone.

I also did have to laugh very loudly in a public space when you missed your turn.

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