Now you know how we feel. "We" being people from the ICM who want to launch the facilitaiton career hahah...

All kidding aside, yes, it gets overwhelming, but what can you do, no choice sometimes.

Regarding the podcast content. Don't stress out too much. I, for example, really liked when it was unexpected and unscheduled. And kind of shorter. You probably also felt less stressful not having to come up with a specific topic, or not having to schedule the recordings.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Also, have you noticed how sometimes you just wish/want some things in life, then you achieve them, then you start feeling like "bored" by them? And not bored in a sense that you don't want it anymore.

You just got good at it so much that it ceases being challenging to you. For example, selling the first design sprint, figuring out the funnels, owning the small business, working for a certain company... And then you find something else you want to pursue. That's also probably the case with your current state but it will also probably "fade out" in, let's say, a year or two.

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I get this all the time! Once all the main challenges get solved at AJS i get super bored. Luckily there is entropy :D

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May 23Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Cutting out the things that give you energy when times are stressful is a well-known strategy, but not a good one. So watch your back. You’re not sounding like someone who is at ease with the things he is doing at the Moment. But perhaps Im just imagining it.

I climbed a few 2300+ metre mountains last week. Sometimes it was really tough. Often there were no more paths at the top to orientate yourself. Or there was snow. But man, what a beautiful view from the top. And that deep feeling of fulfilment and peace that you get when you're up there.

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For me the most valuable thing is knowing that these are self-chosen periods of very hard work. I think being able to actually make things happen on this scale is what seperates a lot of company owners from the ones that burn-out and quit. But keep in mind: I still played 7 hours of videogames with my girfriend this weekend, so not cutting everything out :D

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May 23Liked by Jonathan Courtney

Yeah, I get it. The grinding is part of the job. There is no repositioning without the heavy lifting. So hang in there, my favourite Irish mentor! The voicenote is fine with me. There will always be little nuggets of gold in there 👍👍

I play Fortnite with my son from time to time. I have never come back from the death so many times. It is a bit like starting a career as a facilitator 😂

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I've been loving all the episodes lately (and letting others know they should check it out).

I listen in my car, mostly, so just wanted to say that A) I don't care if you don't also do a video version -- especially if it's more work for you. And B) when it rolled over from the end of a "produced" episode to the next "note" episode, I laughed when you apologized for the quality -- because the note version actually sounds better, on my car's speakers at least.

So, yeah, stick with the easiest approach for your time / life / sanity / technology.

Thanks for doing them.

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Oh interesting about the sound quality!

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Jonathan! I logged in specifically to say that I find great value in both TU and THU content and share it amongst friends and team. Take this as the ego stroke! I know you are super busy but the content is valuable and it will gain more traction soon enough.

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This is a great ego stroke, thank you for that! :D

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