Thanks for the Voice Note Jonathan. I may have commented in a similar way to one of your previous podcasts, but just wanted to let you know it is always inspiring to listen to your podcasts and voice notes. Especially as a solo-entrepreneur. To get things done, I schedule thing in my agenda like doing a webinar or running an online session as promotion for my training and facilitation services. Those deadlines work for me since then I DO get things done!

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great to hear that works for you Rody!

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Jonathan, thanks for the voicenote. I feel your pain. :-)

If you aren’t familiar already with this, check out workinggenius.com. My teams and I have taken the assessment and then mapped out our geniuses, competencies, and frustrations. No better way to ensure you’ve got the right people in the right seats on the bus.

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Hi man! "Madd-Ice" here (my name phonetically something like this)

Still digesting your hypothesis. For 12 years I had to give up my own digital signage agency. I ran it for 3 years. Created a great product. Enthusiastic clients. 5 people working. Lots of ideas. But I had no finisher by my side. And I just didnt understand why I kept running in different directions....

The way Im handling it now is I move the needle away from the most important issues just to keep me going in the right directions with actions that are new and shiny :)

(And usually have a lot of social pressure)

But I guess I'll have to find a good, loyal, structured person to work with.

Anyway, I like the format. As long as you deliver value ;)

Keep it going Irishman!

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MADDICCEEEE, thanks for inspiring this voicenote! P.S.did you check the russell brunson ADD post on skool? I think it's pretty good!

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this resonates "with actions that are new and shiny"

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Dude, so good. I’m like 2000% starter. Good points on embracing who you are.

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Hey Jonathan, man does that resonate. Beyond blatant supporting evidence, did you take any of the various trait evaluations out there to drive home the point that you’re not a “finisher/completer”?

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Love it! I Never can finish things too :) It resonated with me to not fight "inability to finish things" but accept and delegate to my team to finish

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Like the format! Shorter length is inviting.

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